Dhuaine on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dhuaine/art/Starlit-Idylle-81546817Dhuaine

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Dhuaine's avatar

Starlit Idylle



dA sucks.

This is the fourth version of this pic. I wanted to do something with these bushes but lots of things just didn't want to look good... I came up with:
1) misty shit with trees in the background!
2) pinkish violet thing with a rainbow!
3) blue stuff with a waterfall!
But eventually, I'm rather satisfied with the result.

This image is part of Larks at Midnight project.

PS. I know it's 'idyll', not 'idylle', but the latter sounds better.

Gosh, linking everything is such a hassle that I was half tempted not to submit it at all...
17 hours.
Sky: createsima clix
Brushes: ~spiritsighs-stock FrozenStar
The rest are my personal stock photos taken by myself.
Please note: I can't link directly to Space2 brushes by *FrozenStarRo on Fantasies Unleashed because dA doesn't understand it. If you can't find them, go ask her yourself. ^^
Image size
720x760px 111.28 KB
© 2008 - 2024 Dhuaine
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vodka-liquid's avatar
Catty oczywiście musiała ponarzekać, inaczej nie byłaby Catty (^.^)"

invented title sounds good.

anyway, i like the way how that thunder cuts the sky. your green retro colours are even more interesting.

good to see you in excellent form!